How important is Product Quality?

A users first experience, or any negative experience, could prevent them from ever returning to the product.

How important is Price?

Price is generally a product of supply and demand - however;, it can be used to create feedback, reach new networks and generate valuable knowledge.

How important is Improvement?

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 

George Santayana 

Our goal is to repeat what is successful and to resolve the problems that block us from our success.

How important is team work?

How much you need to interact with a team to complete goals is the responsibility of good judgement.  A team can slow things down and endanger knowledge that is otherwise secure.  Autonomy is an important aspect of this company.

How do we succeed?

Success is a measure made by everyone involved.  A positive response from all individuals about achieving their expectations is a requirement within this organization.